Thursday, November 20, 2008

Inaugural Post

I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now but several things (mainly procrastination and a general sense of "who in the world would want to read what I have to say anyway?") have prevented me from taking the plunge. Fortunately, one of the assignments for my current class on web site design, building, and programming (Libr. 240-03: Information Technology Tools and Applications) is to set up a blog. In my case, I plan to actually use it.

Since AC and I move around so frequently and have friends and family scattered across much of the country (and even the world), this blog will serve as a convenient and easy means of staying in touch with loved ones and offering them a glimpse into our rather mundane lives. Moreover, since AC and I will be separated more often in the months and years to come, given his recent airframe and location assignment (yay for MC-130P Combat Shadow flying out of Kadena AB!) and our decision to attempt IVF this coming year (more on that to come in a later post), it will be nice to have this blog as a means of staying connected, not to mention as a chronicle of my IVF exprience.

When AC spent a quarter studying abroad in Moscow, I found his blog invaluable in allowing me at least some involvement in his world. What with the extreme time difference and high cost of overseas calls (not to mention that the satellite kept dropping our calls after exactly 29 minutes--yes, we timed it!), it was often the only contact I had with him. Our upcoming move to Okinawa next November will also necessitate an easy way for us to share photos and updates with family and friends on the other side of the globe.

Lastly, as someone with a rare genetic chronic illness (Kartagener's Syndrome/Primary Ciliary Dyskinesia), I hope that this blog will provide some insight for those who share my condition or want to learn more, especially as regards KS/PCD, IVF, and infertility.



No Way?! You started a blog!!! I am SO excited..and promise to leave lots of comments and faithfully read :). Whoohoo!

VAF said...

Yay, my first reader! I'm excited too, but a little daunted--I've never managed to keep up a journal in real life, so we'll see how it goes :P Maybe knowing that you're reading it will be incentive to keep going!