Friday, April 17, 2009

Bump Watch Weeks 5 and 10

A while back I had promised to take weekly pictures of my growing tummy. Well, things didn't exactly go as planned. My camera stopped working, and when AC came to visit me in CT, we were too lazy/tired/sick to get around to taking any with his camera. So unfortunately I only have belly photos from weeks 5 and 10 (I also took week 11 today but I'll post that later along with a week 11 update).

So, without further ado, here is week 5:

And here is week 10:

There's definitely an increase in size, am I right?



hmm...yes, definitely some little changes going on in the lower abdomen...but dang girl, you still have a WAY flatter stomach than I ever will or did :).

VAF said...

Haha, but you have much nicer legs than I ever will! Wanna trade? ;)