Thursday, September 3, 2009

Week 31: Great news about Ziggy (and, oh yeah, I'm a big fatty!)

I had my final appointment and ultrasound with the MFM today and am pleased to report that all is well with little Ziggy! The choroid plexus cyst has disappeared and everything else continues to look completely normal. The amount of amniotic fluid is normal. He's growing well and weighs 3 lbs 8 oz, putting him at exactly 31 weeks. The doctor seemed very confident that there's nothing wrong with him, since a baby with a chromosomal abnormality would show delayed growth or other signs of deformity at this time. All I can say is phew, what a relief!

The ultrasound tech tried to get some 3D shots of Ziggy's face, but he wasn't really cooperating. His head is down really low on my right side, practically by my hip bone (the ultrasound wand kept bumping into it). Eventually, after poking him for a bit with the ultrasound wand and checking out some of his other parts while she waited for him to assume a better position, she went back to his face and we were able to get a better look at him. He's changed quite a bit from the 20 week ultrasound! I don't know if it was partially due to distortion, but his cheeks looked huge! He looks so much chunkier now--it's pretty hilarious! He had one of his hands in front of his mouth (probably sucking on it), so we couldn't get a good look at the lower half of his face. Throughout the whole exam, he was kicking like crazy--I don't think he liked the ultrasound one bit--and afterward, when AC and I went to lunch at this Vietnamese/Thai/Chinese place, he kept it up for a while, which is kind of uncharacteristic of him--he must have been really mad!

In other news, the head nurse made photocopies of all my records for me to take to my new doctor in CA, and I learned the horrifying truth that I've been incorrectly assessing my weight at the last few appointments. I realized that I'd been looking at my weight in kgs at the last appointment, not lbs! Oy vay! So, I have already reached the highest weight I have ever weighed in my life before I was pregnant (you know, when I was just fat in college :) and am exactly 35 lbs above my November pre-pregnancy weight! I was hoping to reach that weight when I was a little further along. After all, I still have ~9 weeks to go! Eek! I'm going to be such a blimp by then! The only good news is that I hadn't gained any weight since my last visit two weeks ago, so maybe the rate of weight gain will slow down? Oh well, as long as Ziggy is healthy and growing, that's all that matters (at least that's what I keep telling myself!). More on this later I'm sure, but now I must run!



the good news is you still have a good 20 lbs. to gain before you'll outweigh me during my pregnancies (I'm part of the 50-plus pounder club)....and I highly doubt your body is capable of gaining that much weight in nine're doing great girly...don't worry about the weight (ha, remember to tell me the same thing the next time I'm pregnant...I know it can be discouraging sometimes!). Glad to hear Ziggy is doing well!!

Laurie said...

Wonderful news, and what a relief indeed!! Watching you progress has been so inspiring.

VAF said...

Thank you, girls! Annie, considering how amazing you look now, I realize I shouldn't be too worried (although of course I'm not a runner like you!:) Laurie, I am flattered that a writer of your caliber would be reading my inane little blog :) Glad to hear you are getting something out of it though!