Thursday, October 15, 2009

37 Weeks: Officially Full Term!

How far along? 37 weeks!
Total weight gain/loss: Don't even want to know, but I am guessing 40-45 lbs above my pre-pregnancy weight.
Maternity clothes? Yes, although I can still wear some non-maternity stuff that is large or loose.
Stretch marks? None, and I'm really hoping it stays that way!
Sleep: Overall, not bad. It could be worse, but it could also be better. I still wake up in the middle of the night at least once a week and can't fall back asleep, and overall my sleep is definitely lighter and less restful, but I'll take whatever I can get before the baby's born!
Best moment this week: Reaching full term!
Movement: Yes, but not as much as before. Movements are more muffled, less distinct. Baby doesn't hiccup as much either.
Food cravings: Soups, salads, lots of vegetables and fruits, dark chocolate.
Gender: Boy
Labor Signs: Some Braxton Hicks contractions, but those don't really count. Otherwise none as far as I can tell.
Belly Button in or out? Definitely out (AC says it looks like a third nipple :)
What I miss: Hands and feet that don't swell, clear skin, being able to hear and not feeling so horribly congested all the time.
What I am looking forward to: Meeting and bonding with my son, getting everything prepared for his arrival (still feels like there's a lot to do), breastfeeding!
Weekly Wisdom: Baby could come at any time or it could be another 3-3.5 weeks.
Milestones: Reaching full term!

What I am going to miss: I decided to add this category because now that my pregnancy is drawing to a close, I find myself becoming nostalgic about the whole process and even feel somewhat jealous of women who are just starting their pregnancy journeys (crazy I know, but I guess infertility will do that to you). I am going to miss everything, but especially feeling and seeing his movements, my belly bump, eating for two (or rather, knowing that everything I eat affects not only my own body, but his as well), not worrying so much about or being focused on my weight, what I'm wearing (these days I'm happy if it fits and is comfortable), or what I look like, lack of menstruation and everything that goes along with it, the extra attention from friends and strangers alike, feeling proud of my body which, despite all its faults, has done a pretty good job of carrying and caring for this little one, having a special, private relationship with Ziggy that is all our own, never feeling truly alone even when I'm by myself, being able to be with the baby all the time and take care of him yet still do pretty much whatever I want to (within reason), and finally, even if I have many more of my own children, never getting to experience the magic and awe of a first pregnancy ever again.

There's a lot more to say about this week, but I'll save that for another post.

1 comment:

ABOUT XIN LEI said...'re almost there!!