Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A few new random, pregnancy developments

AC set up his first "Last Will and Testament!" The most important part was naming a guardian for Ziggy in the hopefully unlikely event that both of us die or become incapacitated (not a pleasant thought, but as responsible parents, we need to consider and plan for the worst case scenario). He listed my mother as the main guardian and his mother as an alternate.

I received my first pregnancy comment from someone without having to first inform them that I'm pregnant! It was from the check-out clerk at the library. Of course, I was checking out a prenatal exercise DVD, so that might have tipped her off. But I've checked out prenatal DVDs and books before, and no one ever said anything. Perhaps I didn't look pregnant enough before, and they were worried about insulting me if they were wrong. But apparently now I do look pregnant enough! Anyway, it was kind of exciting :)

My feet have been bothering me lately. My ankles tend to pronate and my arches fall when I stand, so I have always had problems with my feet, but recently I've developed this really painful spot on my right heel. If I step on it a certain way, it screams with pain. This has happened to me in the past occasionally, but it's become a lot worse and a lot more frequent (virtually every day now). I am starting to hobble a little in an attempt to avoid the insanely painful spot. My step-dad used to have this problem too, and it turned out to be a bone spur in his case. I'm assuming it's related to pregnancy and my increasing weight putting more pressure on my feet. I don't know what to do. Should I see a podiatrist or some other doctor? I think I will mention it to Dr. W at my appointment on Thursday and see what he recommends.

Ziggy kicked my bladder the other day! It felt really funny, kind of like someone was tickling my bladder. Luckily it wasn't very full and the kicking was brief or I might have had to run for the toilet! Speaking of bladders, I've noticed that sometimes after I cough, sneeze, or laugh really hard, there's a small spot of urine in my panties. I guess I finally have pregnancy incontinence!

Anyway, sorry for the randomness! These were just a few things I wanted to share, but didn't know how to coherently tie them all together.

1 comment:


Hehe...the randomness of your mind only means its getting revved for "mommy brain"...that state of mind where your thoughts are jumbled, forgetful, and coming a mile a minute! Hope your foot feels better soon!