Saturday, August 8, 2009

No, it's not the swine flu, but we're both sick!

Bad news; AC is sick again, and worse yet, I appear to have caught it! I was holding out so well until last night, when I think sleep deprivation got the better of my immune system. It was so hot last night in our apartment (82 degrees I think!) even with the air conditioning blasting (I almost wrote ac just now, but decided that would be confusing! :) The only way I could sleep was naked with an ice pack wrapped in my nightgown and placed against my body and the overhead fan on. It didn't help that my stomach wasn't feeling great as usual these days. Joy of joys, I woke up at 2:30 and couldn't get back to sleep until 6:30! The only good part of the whole experience was that Ziggy became quite active, and I enjoyed feeling and seeing the little guy move around.

I didn't just lie there the whole time though. I got up to drink and eat and surf the Internet for a while until I started to feel drowsy again. I managed to sleep till about 9am, and when I woke up, the soreness in my throat hit me. That was AC's first symptom too. I can tell that it's a virus because whenever I get a viral infection, my chronic bacterial infection recedes temporarily. Pseudomonas is a notoriously weak (but persistent!) bacterium that cannot survive well in the presence of other infections, bacterial or viral. It tends to hide out until the other infection disappears, at which point it reappears with a vengeance.

Sorry to be graphic, but normally my sputum is a dark yellow to green color. Now it's a pale yellow to clear color, which is almost unseen in me! My cough is also more dry and hacking and less productive than usual, which is also generally a sign of viral infection in me. AC's infection appears to have become bacterial, judging by the color of his sputum, which is a pretty common occurrence; an initial viral infection weakens your immune system, allowing a bacterial infection to move in. If that happens to me, I may need to pay an earlier visit to my pulmonologist. I was hoping to be able to avoid taking any antibiotics during my pregnancy, but if I have to, obviously I will. We have a quiet weekend of rest and recuperation planned. I just hope it's not too hot in the apartment, otherwise we may need to escape to the coolness of the bookstore (although really, in our state, we shouldn't be out and about). Here's hoping for a quick recovery for the both of us!

1 comment:

Laurie said...

Hope you have a speedy recovery and that your infection doesn't progress any further!